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    • 空位所在行和列的小图片都可以左右上下移动,如图(2,3)为空位,那么第2行的所有图片都可以左右移动,如把(2,0)往右移动,那么(2,0),(2,1),(2,2)就会往右顺移一格,(2,0)变为空位。列位置同理
    • 如果一行没有空位,那么这行可以左右旋转,比如往右旋转那么所有小图片都会往右移动,右边出界的图片会移动带左边





  1. 游戏界面的布局使用了AbsoluteLayout,以便与自己控制移动和对齐,整个界面可以想象成一个6*6的单元格,每次移动或旋转后,每块小图片肯定在一个单元格内。每块小的图片都是一个button。button是动态添加到layout里的,每一关游戏开始时都会切割图片并将其设置为button的背景图片。切割图片的代码如下:
    切割图片public class ImageSplitter {    /*    xPiece:横向几片    yPiece:竖向几片    */    public static List
    split(Bitmap bitmap, int xPiece, int yPiece) { List
    pieces = new ArrayList
    (xPiece * yPiece); int width = bitmap.getWidth(); int height = bitmap.getHeight(); int pieceWidth = width / xPiece; int pieceHeight = height / yPiece; for (int i = 0; i < yPiece; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < xPiece; j++) { ImagePiece piece = new ImagePiece(); piece.index = j + i * xPiece; int xValue = j * pieceWidth; int yValue = i * pieceHeight; piece.bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap, xValue, yValue, pieceWidth, pieceHeight); pieces.add(piece); } } return pieces; }}


    计算Button的width和heightprivate void setWidthAndHeightUnit() {       //ScreenMetrics是一个获取屏幕width和height的帮助类       ScreenMetrics metrics = new ScreenMetrics(this);        int widthPx = metrics.GetWidth();        int heightPx = metrics.GetHeight();        ctrlWidth = (int) ((widthPx - (COL - 1) * SPACE) / COL);        //buttong宽度,SPACE是两个button的间隙        layoutXUnit = ctrlWidth + SPACE;        //去除actionbar,状态栏的高度        ctrlHeight = (int) ((heightPx- 15-(ROW - 1) * SPACE) / (ROW+1));        //button高度        layoutYUnit = ctrlHeight + SPACE;    }


    初始代码 private void GenerateRandomCtrl() {        //每一关重新为missbutton 赋值        missButton = null;        //清楚所有控件        absoluteLayout.removeAllViews();        grid = new Button[ROW][COL];        grid[2][3]=null;        //获取当前是List
    中的第几个transformer currentIndex=preferences.getInt(TRANSFORMERID,0); Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), transformers.get(currentIndex).getDrawableId()); imagePieceList=ImageSplitter.split(bitmap,COL,ROW); int[] rows = generateArray(ROW); int site1 = ROW; for (int i = 0; i < ROW; i++) { int ran1 = random.nextInt(site1); int site2 = COL; int[] cols = generateArray(COL); for (int j = 0; j < COL; j++) { int ran2 = random.nextInt(site2); initImageCtrl(rows[ran1], cols[ran2], i * COL + j); cols[ran2] = cols[site2 - 1]; site2--; } rows[ran1] = rows[site1 - 1]; site1--; } //启动监控线程,如果picture 已经组好,就发送消息,退出线程 new ListenThread().start(); }//第x行,第y列 private void initImageCtrl(int x, int y, int backgroundId) { Button imageButton = new Button(this); //动态设置Id imageButton.setId(imagePieceList.get(backgroundId).index); // imageButton.setBackgroundResource(colors[backgroudId]); BitmapDrawable bitmapDrawable = new BitmapDrawable(imagePieceList.get(backgroundId).bitmap); imageButton.setBackground(bitmapDrawable); if (x == 2 && y == 3) { //第2行3列为blank,属于该位置的button保存到missButton中 missButton = imageButton; return; } imageButton.setOnTouchListener(this); addButtonLayout(imageButton, x, y); }//初始化数组,用于选取随机数 private int[] generateArray(int dim) { int[] arr = new int[dim]; for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) { arr[i] = i; } return arr; }


  2. 使用SharedPreferences保存当前是哪一关,当程序重新打开时可以显示正确的图片
  3. 移动和旋转的逻辑
    • 移动:要判断哪个方向移动,代码里的isMoveTo***函数,以isMoveToLeft为例,Touch事件ACTION_MOVE发生时横坐标的移动距离大于一个自己设定的常量并且往左移动的距离大于上下方向的移动就认为是往左移动,这个方法不够精确,大家有好的方法在评论里告诉我. MoveToLeft函数就会把空位与当前button之间的所有button往左一起移动,当弹起手指出发生ACTION_UP事件时就会把移动的位置放置到相应的对齐的位置,可以把整个布局想像成一个grid,每次移动后Button的位置都会在格子内,保证对齐效果
    • 旋转:本行没有空位时可以旋转这一行以改变每个button的列值,功能函数是rotationRow
      移动和旋转  //OnTouchListener接口的函数    @Override    public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {        Log.i(getClass().getName(), "onTouch-----" + getActionName(event.getAction()));        gestureDetector.onTouchEvent(event);        Button eventBtn;        Class aClass = v.getClass();        if (v instanceof Button) {            eventBtn = (Button) v;        } else {            return true;        }        Point pos = getRowAndColumn(eventBtn);        switch (event.getAction()) {            case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: {                break;            }            case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: {                //往左挪动 或者往左旋转                if (isMoveToLeft(event)) {                    if (isFillEntireRow(pos.x)) {                        isLeftRotation = true;                        rotationRow(event, eventBtn);                    } else {                        moveLeft(eventBtn);                    }                    break;                }                //往右挪动 或者 往右旋转                if (isMoveToRight(event)) {                   if(isFillEntireRow(pos.x)) {                        isRightRotation = true;                        rotationRow(event, eventBtn);                    }                    else {                       moveRight(eventBtn);                   }                    break;                }                //往上挪动                if (isMoveToTop(event) && getTopBlankRow(pos)!=-1 && isRightRotation ==false && isLeftRotation==false) {                    moveTop(eventBtn);                    break;                }                //往下挪动                if (isMoveToDown(event) && getDownBlankRow(pos)!=-1 && isRightRotation ==false && isLeftRotation==false) {                    moveDown(eventBtn);                    break;                }                //Import: 如果去掉break,移动的时候出界的card不用等到ACTION_UP事件也会自动排列                //因为没有break 后面会接着执行,switch条件只判断一次,如果有break那么会在ACTION_UP事件时                //触发自动排列              // break;            }            case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: {                //获取手指弹起时控件的位置               if (isFillEntireRow(pos.x) && (isRightRotation || isLeftRotation)) {                   //使btn的位置是ctrlWidth的倍数                   HashMap
      map = adjustButtonLayoutAfterRotation(eventBtn); if(map == null) break; Iterator iterator = map.entrySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) iterator.next(); Button key = (Button) entry.getKey(); Point value = (Point) entry.getValue(); grid[value.x][value.y] = key; } break; } break; } } return true; } private boolean isMoveToLeft(MotionEvent event) { return event.getX() < LEFT_LIMIT && Math.abs(event.getX()) > Math.abs(event.getY()); } //移到左边空位 //pos:button现在的位置 private void moveLeft(Button btn) { Point pos = getRowAndColumn(btn); int blankCol=getLeftBlankColumn(pos); if(blankCol == -1) return; for(int i=blankCol+1;i<=pos.y;i++) { Button button = grid[pos.x][i]; int x = (i- 1) * layoutXUnit; int y = pos.x * layoutYUnit; AbsoluteLayout.LayoutParams params = new AbsoluteLayout.LayoutParams(ctrlWidth, ctrlHeight, x, y); button.setLayoutParams(params); grid[pos.x][i- 1] = button; } grid[pos.x][pos.y] = null; } private boolean isMoveToRight(MotionEvent event) { return event.getX() > RIGHT_LIMIT && Math.abs(event.getX()) > Math.abs(event.getY()); } //移到右边空位 //pos:button现在的位置 private void moveRight(Button btn) { Point pos = getRowAndColumn(btn); int blankCol= getRightBlankColumn(pos); if(blankCol == -1) return; for(int i=blankCol-1;i>=pos.y;i--) { Button button = grid[pos.x][i]; int x = (i+1) * layoutXUnit; int y = pos.x * layoutYUnit; AbsoluteLayout.LayoutParams params = new AbsoluteLayout.LayoutParams(ctrlWidth, ctrlHeight, x, y); button.setLayoutParams(params); grid[pos.x][i + 1] = button; } grid[pos.x][pos.y] = null; } private int getLeftBlankColumn(Point pos) { for(int i=0;i
      Math.abs(event.getX()); } //移到上边空位 //pos:button现在的位置 private void moveTop(Button btn) { Point pos = getRowAndColumn(btn); int blankRow = getTopBlankRow(pos); if(blankRow == -1) return; for(int i=blankRow+1;i<=pos.x;i++) { Button button=grid[i][pos.y]; int x = pos.y * layoutXUnit; int y = (i-1) * layoutYUnit; AbsoluteLayout.LayoutParams params = new AbsoluteLayout.LayoutParams(ctrlWidth, ctrlHeight, x, y); button.setLayoutParams(params); grid[i-1][pos.y] = button; } grid[pos.x][pos.y] = null; } private boolean isMoveToDown(MotionEvent event) { return event.getY() > DOWN_LIMIT && Math.abs(event.getY()) > Math.abs(event.getX()); } //移到下边空位 //pos:button现在的位置 private void moveDown(Button btn){ Point pos = getRowAndColumn(btn); int rowBlank = getDownBlankRow(pos); for(int i=rowBlank-1;i>=pos.x;i--) { Button button=grid[i][pos.y]; int x = pos.y * layoutXUnit; int y = (i + 1) * layoutYUnit; AbsoluteLayout.LayoutParams params = new AbsoluteLayout.LayoutParams(ctrlWidth, ctrlHeight, x, y); button.setLayoutParams(params); grid[i+1][pos.y] = button; } grid[pos.x][pos.y] = null; } private boolean isBlank(int x, int y) { if (x >= ROW || y >= COL || x < 0 || y < 0) { return false; } return grid[x][y] == null; } //设置一个按钮的位置,x表示行,y表示列 private void addButtonLayout(Button button, int x, int y){ AbsoluteLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = new AbsoluteLayout.LayoutParams(ctrlWidth, ctrlHeight, y * layoutXUnit, x * layoutYUnit); absoluteLayout.addView(button, layoutParams); grid[x][y]=button; } //该行是否有空位 private boolean isFillEntireRow(int row){ for(int j=0;j< COL;j++) { if(grid[row][j] == null) return false; } return true; } //手指抬起时,确保按钮所在的位置是ctrlWidth的倍数 //btn:事件作用的按钮 private HashMap
      adjustButtonLayoutAfterRotation(Button eventButton) { //pos:按钮的横坐标和纵坐标 Point pos=getRowAndColumn(eventButton); HashMap
      map = new HashMap
      (); //本行中每一列的按钮都要重设位置 for (int j = 0; j < COL; j++) { Button eachButton = grid[pos.x][j]; if (eachButton == null) continue; Point point = new Point(); if (isRightRotation) { point = getRowAndColumn(eachButton); } if (isLeftRotation) { point = getRowAndColumnForLeftRotation(eachButton); } //对纵坐标小于大于col的情况进行处理 point.y = point.y < 0 ? point.y + COL : point.y; point.y = point.y % COL; int x = point.y * layoutXUnit; int y = point.x * layoutYUnit; map.put(eachButton, new Point(point.x, point.y)); Log.e(eachButton.getText() + ": After adjust Y:" + Integer.toString(y) + " X:" + Integer.toString(x), " Row:" + Integer.toString(point.x) + " Column:" + Integer.toString(point.y)); AbsoluteLayout.LayoutParams params = new AbsoluteLayout.LayoutParams(ctrlWidth, ctrlHeight, x, y); eachButton.setLayoutParams(params); } isLeftRotation = false; isRightRotation =false; return map; } //button:事件作用于的button private void rotationRow(MotionEvent event, Button button) { Point pos = getRowAndColumn(button); for (int j = 0; j < COL; j++) { Button btn = grid[pos.x][j]; if (btn == null) { continue; } btn.offsetLeftAndRight((int) event.getX()); } } //往左旋转时,取right的位置 判定card应在哪个单元格 private Point getRowAndColumnForLeftRotation(View view) { //取card的右上角坐标 int x, y; x = view.getRight(); y = view.getTop(); Point point = new Point(); point.x = y / layoutYUnit; point.y = x / layoutXUnit; if (x % layoutXUnit == 0 || x < 0) { point.y--; } return point; } //判断控件在第几行,第几列 private Point getRowAndColumn(Button view) { int x = view.getLeft(); int y = view.getTop(); Point point = new Point(); point.x = y / layoutYUnit; point.y = x / layoutXUnit; return point; }
  4. 每一关开始时都会使用一个线程监控本关是否完成,如果完成则进入下一关
    监控线程 public class ListenThread extends Thread    {        public void run() {            while (true) {               if(threadfunc())                {                    Message msg=new Message();                    msg.what=COMPLETE;                    handler.sendMessage(msg);                    break;                }                else                {                    try                    {                        Thread.sleep(1000);                    }                    catch (InterruptedException ex)                    {                        ex.printStackTrace();                    }                }            }        }        private boolean threadfunc() {            synchronized (grid) {                for (int i = 0; i < ROW; i++)                    for (int j = 0; j < COL; j++) {                        if ( grid[i][j]!=null && grid[i][j].getId() != i * ROW + j)                            return false;                    }                return true;            }        }    }
  5. ActionBar上添加了一个帮助菜单用于查看整张图片完整的样子,另外让ActionBar能显示OverflowMenu


显示overflowmenu   //设置显示overflow按钮   // sHasPermanentMenuKey 用于判断手机又没有物理Menu键,Android 3.0后手机可以没有物理menu    private void setOverflowShowingAlways() {        try {            ViewConfiguration config = ViewConfiguration.get(this);            Field menuKeyField = ViewConfiguration.class.getDeclaredField("sHasPermanentMenuKey");            menuKeyField.setAccessible(true);            menuKeyField.setBoolean(config, false);        } catch (Exception e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }    }


菜单命令public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {        // Handle action bar item clicks here. The action bar will        // automatically handle clicks on the Home/Up button, so long        // as you specify a parent activity in AndroidManifest.xml.        int id = item.getItemId();        if (id == R.id.help) {            LinearLayout layout = (LinearLayout) getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.help_layout, null);            ImageView imageView = (ImageView) layout.findViewById(R.id.helpView);            imageView.setImageResource(transformers.get(currentIndex).getDrawableId());            AlertDialog.Builder helpDialogBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);            final AlertDialog helpDialog = helpDialogBuilder.create();            imageView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {                @Override                public void onClick(View view) {                    helpDialog.dismiss();                }            });            helpDialog.show();            helpDialog.setContentView(layout);        }        if (id == R.id.about) {            final AlertDialog.Builder aboutDialogBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);            aboutDialogBuilder.setNegativeButton("返回", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {                @Override                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) {                    dialogInterface.dismiss();                }            });            AlertDialog aboutDialog = aboutDialogBuilder.setTitle("关于变形金刚").setMessage("图片来自网络,如有侵权请联系\r\n开发者:哨兵\r\n" +                    "QQ:**********").create();            aboutDialogBuilder.show();        }        //用于测试,当点击ActionBar的测试菜单时会自动对好图片进入下一关      /*  if(id == R.id.test) {            List


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